1/28 Survey: The End of Gender Balance
Iowa's boards and commissions are about to lose a key representational guarantee
Iowa's citizen boards and commissions have a rule that guarantees gender balance.
But now, as part of an overhaul of boards and commissions, Governor Reynolds is proposing a bill to implement the findings of a study she commisisoned in 2023. The study found the following:
“Legislative history clearly indicates the goal of the gender-balance requirement was to place more Iowa women into places of leadership in state government,” the report reads. “But the foregoing makes clear that Iowans have changed their collective mind on any perceived inequities between men and women representing the State of Iowa in leadership positions.” Read the full report here.
Providing even more fuel to the gender-balance fire, on January 12 a federal judge U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Iowa found the gender balance rule for the state judicial nominating commission violates the 14th Amendment.
Today's question: Should Iowa end gender balance on state boards and commissions?
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