The Continuous Caucus

The political process is broken. Common sense is gone. People feel their voices are not being heard, and they are angry.

Iowans used to think we had a way around all the noise and conflict – the Iowa Caucuses were a great idea that turned into something else.

You Speak and You Get Heard, It's That Simple

The Continuous Caucus is engaging Iowans in a whole new way that puts your voice to work for you, and lets your common sense be heard.

At least once a week, an issue survey appears on the platform. Members are notified and have the chance to respond. One person, one vote.

Of course there are thousands of ways to share your opinion online. This one’s different because you have the ability to share your opinion or response directly with your state or federal elected representatives.

Create Your Own Community

Members can share links, videos, comments and respond to quizzes and pop-up polls.

You’ll have a chance to engage our other Iowa members in meaningful discussion, share a personal video for others to view and respond to other’s posts and videos.

And, you can create your own community representing the place you live or group of likeminded members. There’s no limit to the number of these organic groups and you’re in charge of how they grow.

We’ll Never Ask You For Money

We won’t be one of those sites that’s hitting you up for money with emails every day. In fact, we will never fundraise from our members. It’s not our purpose.